(Link to post)
I have found a solution for the repairing problems occurred on my Desire HD with cyanogen 7 RC 1.
copy this file with root explorer to your SD card. edit it with a text editor as described below and then copy it back with root explorer. Restart your device.
/data/misc/bluetoothd/[device bt id]/linkkeys
your linkkeys file has to look something like that:
00:1D:BA:ED:8C:57 FF579860A41CD5A627D9D1596526715C 0 4
00:01:95:08:20:6F 809CC84592E6C1B06AB750170C365812 0 4
6C:23:B9:9B:4A:85 5AF503E766858EA7916D46C16DD31A34 0 4
The last entry is my liveview.
I just changed the last two numbers from I think
-1 0 to 0 4 so that it looks like the other entries.
The 0 is the linkkey type and the 4 the pin lenght.
But I don't know what the 0 stands for.
Have no time for futher research.
I just know that now the liveview automatically reconnects without an annoying pairing prompt.
Hier noch eine Antwort mit weiteren Erläuterungen:
*Fivef*, you're genius! :) You actually made this half-incomplete device usable!!!
People, I really think this information should be sicked to the first page, or posted in the FAQ, This simple hack changes everything about LiveView experience! So, I'd like to summarize here all the steps for correcting issues, which, by the way, SHOULD have been corrected by SonyEricsson much earlier. :(
Below is a small guide for turning LiveView from nerve-bending hell spawn to incredibly useful device. Root is _*required*_.
(assuming your phone has CM7 or factory Gingerbread - here I'm using HD2 + CM7 2.3.4)
1) Update LV firmware to the latest one
2) Install from the market ONLY "LiveView Application 1.0.A.0.18", _do not install _"LiveWare Manager"
3) Install your favorite plugins
4) Install from the market "Minfree Manager" and set "Secondary server" memory limit to 8 - 10mb (this will help LV App to stay activated all the time)
5) Insert "LiveView Application 1.0.A.0.18" to ignore list of all automatic task killers like "ES Task Manager" or "Auto memory manager"
6) Put LV into discovery mode and pair it to your phone. BT window will say "Paired but not connected", that's correct.
7) Using Root Explorer, apply _the incredible patch (http://forum.xda-developers.
*8) Find in the market & install the BEST android program I've seen yet - "*AutomateIt!*"
9) Create the following rule in this program:
Using this incredible program, you can completely control every aspect of your phone's behavior - for example, automatically start PlayerPro and disable WiFi when wired headset is connected, automatically start WiFi when GPS detects that you have entered your home or office (!) and do million other cool things.
*By now, LiveView is set to operate completely by itself - no matter, what state is your phone in the moment, just switch the watch "on" and in a second it's connected.* No more manual start of LV app, countless disconnects and unnerving connect confirmations. In fact, LV is starting to work better than SE MBW-150 used to work on WM6.5!
I suggest sticking this post to the front page, so that newcomers wouldn't have to search for days (like I had to...)
Best regards,